Global Network

The global network of BDO is present in 164 countries.

An International Network

Global PresenceThe global network of BDO is present in 164 countries, with over 111,000 people working across more than 1,800 offices. This ensures local resources are backed by a truly global network - no matter where you conduct your business. This is just part of BDO's commitment to delivering services close to its clientele.

Close Cooperation and Consistent StandardsAll members of the BDO network work closely together, adhering to consistent operational principles and quality standards. This means local resources that understand your business, your local and international markets, and the specifics of your sector, all supported by a truly global organization.

As of September 30, 2021, the global network of BDO, including members of their exclusive alliances, generated revenues of $12.8 billion USD.

Exceptional Client Service, Delivered Worldwide

BDO's vision is to be the leader in exceptional client service. This isn't about reinventing our profession's approach to service but about delivering our services with exceptional quality - and providing that high level of quality consistently in every office, every country, and every territory where we operate. No matter where you work, we have people who can assist you.

We maintain objectivity and independence when addressing our clients' issues, helping us build trustful relationships. Five key elements describe BDO and our always exceptional service delivery:

  • Client Needs: We anticipate our clients' needs and share our perspectives to ensure the best outcomes.
  • Communication: We are always clear, open, and prompt in our communication.
  • Commitment: We accept and honor our commitments, meaning we deliver what we promise to each client every day.
  • People: At BDO, we pride ourselves on providing the right environment for our employees to grow and develop - and the right people to serve our clients.
  • Value: Our experts focus on creating value: we offer our clients up-to-date insights, valuable advice, and trustworthiness.

We are a global organization built on local relationships.

Our Global Commitment to Exceptional Client Service Means We Deliver What We Promise, When You Need It

We are the most agile and responsive among global accounting organizations.

We are large enough to access the best group of experts for your needs from our national and international network, and small enough to be responsive and innovative in how we address our clients' challenges.

Our global average ratio of professionals to associates means our clients receive the attention they need from the right people: self-reliant individuals with a practical approach. We can provide you with the ideal contact for your needs, no matter where you are in the world.

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, let us go together."